Welcome to my tavern! What can I get you?

All About Me

Hello, I'm Basil! I use he/him pronouns. I'm Alto's father in-system, despite only being about a decade older at 23!

I'm a gay elf who changed his name from his source (a friend's DND character)! And speaking of the name, it's short for Basilisk!

I woodcarve with my friends and family in headspace, as well as making armor for everybody in my spare time. I'm a very hands-on person, and I want nothing more than to try these things in real life.

Related to this, I also prefer instrumental tavern music, in a stark contrast to everybody else in the system. In my defense, it helps me focus and all the music SLAPS.

But that's all about me! Hope you're doing good, make sure to spend some time doing something active today! I believe in you. :)